Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ecommerce solutions that don't suck

I have cancelled my Volusion account.
I showed what I have so far to the class and explained some of the hardships that I have been experiencing. Fortunately, Doug recognizes that it's futile for me to continue down this path if I'm just going to trash the site once the class is finished. SO, in effort to be more productive, I am now going to find five ecommerce solutions that don't suck and write a review about them. I am also going to summarize what I learned from using Volusion and hand it in next week.
I think this is a much better approach. Sure beats banging my head against the wall with a CMS that claims to be customizable but really isn't.
When I cancelled my account there was an input field asking why I was cancelling. I didn't go into a lot of detail but I did mention the poor customer service. Now my phone is ringing off the hook with them trying to rectify! Too late buddy...

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